Welcome to my online journal for 2011.

This space is to be a receptacle for my experiences and responses to the quest to create Meagheen's Irish cape aka "A Connaught Girl's Story."
Meggie has designed a large knitted cape with layers of meanings, crafted stitching in traditional designs imbued with specific symbolism of the history of Ireland, the heritage of her family, and her own personal life as well. As she publishes each element of the pattern she provides an explanation of the meanings. This blog will have my series of responses to this two-way labor of love.

Feel free to comment.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Help from the Other Side - Angels

Some 13 years ago I had an intense spiritual experience while reading the Bible that made me suddenly aware of some of the help I have gotten throughout my life from the unseen world.    Now I understand how it is that the people we go through life with, sometimes in the most intense ways, are bonded to us not only in the here and now, but in the before and after as well.

I honor and give thanks to my oldest son.  Before he was born while I was yet a teen, he was my childhood guardian angel and a pre-life mentor.  And I am grateful to my late-in-life daughter who appeared to me in dreams on at least 7 distinct occasions before she was ever conceived.  My mother has to be one of the most important angels because was my most fervent angel while she was on earth, in spite of my rebelliousness. And my mother again, who must be so busy with her own business in the afterlife, has to be laughing at my petty mistakes, stupid secrets, and wholehearted blunders.  I am certain I have other friends on the other side watching over me, encouraging me to find my path, warning me of mistakes in advance. 

Guardian angels, wisdom angels, messengers from God.  I believe personal progress and salvation is not left to us to navigate without help.   Earth life is too important for there not to be witnesses, guardians, advisers, and protectors as we sometimes flail about in confusion.  The enemy is constantly spreading confusion and lies.   Sometimes I hear your clear voices of warning or strong advice in my head that could not come from me.  What a comfort to know that the Still Small Voice of God and His messengers and guides are not giving up on me.

Thank you, everyone. 

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